If you’re ready to intentionally create the life you want through compassionate self development, you’re in the right place!

If you’re ready to intentionally create the life you want through compassionate self development, you’re in the right place!
Upgrade Your Money-Manifesting Mindset with Music Check out the high-vibe money Spotify playlist here Wait – I can manifest money?Yes! Cold hard cash! I know this sounds ‘woo-woo’ but stick with me here. We already know that thoughts become things. Why not do an experiment to see if getting in the right mindset will help […]
Do you have a friend who loves all things tarot, crystals, law of attraction, manifestation, spirituality, and the Universe? Whether it’s for Christmas, a birthday, or the full moon – these gifts are sure to put a smile on your spiritual friend’s face! This post is chalk full of cute, informative, and fun gifts. We […]
A limiting belief is something you believe is true, that holds you back in some way. This could be a belief about yourself or the world around you. Operating day-to-day with limiting beliefs puts you in a ‘lack mindset’ – meaning, you think there’s not enough love, or money, or beauty, or success to go […]
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.“ Carl Jung Shadow work is a real buzz term these days – especially within the self-development & spiritual communities. Maybe you’ve heard it a few times, and you’ve wondered what shadow work actually means. At first glance, the […]
How I spent 12 jam-packed hours in Paris and saw everything I wanted to see How did I visit the Eiffel Tower, Moulin Rouge, Louvre Pyramid, walk along the River Seine, eat French macaroons and quiche, meet up with friends, and travel to and from another country, all in 12 hours? First I have to […]
More and more, we are realizing that happier people lead better lives. They even live longer! Shifting your perspective on life is actually easier than you may think – starting with a short daily gratitude practice is all you need. Start Small Starting your gratitude practice is as simple as starting to notice the little […]
Unsure how to find movement you love? Discovering ways to be active and enjoying it is easier than you think. Movement should inspire fun, freedom, and focus. The importance of finding movement you loveWhy is it important to find movement you love, anyway? Shouldn’t we just buck up and head to the gym every day […]
Hi there! I’m Elisabeth with an S. I am so happy you are here! I can’t wait to start helping you live your best life. I am embarking on the ultimate journey to live the best life I can. This includes a quest for total wellness – mind, body, and spirit. I’m a relentless researcher, […]