Mind Wellness

Are Limiting Beliefs Keeping You From Your Dream Life?

A limiting belief is something you believe is true, that holds you back in some way. This could be a belief about yourself or the world around you. Operating day-to-day with limiting beliefs puts you in a ‘lack mindset’ – meaning, you think there’s not enough love, or money, or beauty, or success to go around, and it’s hard to attain.

This is actually more harmful than you may think. By living your life this way, your mindset becomes increasingly negative. And how can we expect to have good things happen to us if we are only looking for the bad things?

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.

Henry Ford

What are some limiting beliefs?

Let’s start with a common limiting belief about money. Did you grow up in a home where money was tight? If so, you probably saw your parents work extremely hard for the small amount of money they had, and you probably saw that this made them stressed, unhappy, or burnt-out. This probably conditioned you to think some of the following things about money:

  • You have to work very hard to make any money (after all, money doesn’t grow on trees!)
  • If you just had more money, you would finally be happy
  • It’s extremely difficult to experience financial freedom

This creates a ‘lack mindset’ around money – there’s never enough to go around, and it’s hard to get more.

Did you grow up in a home where your parents fought? Let’s be real, we all probably experienced this. Or, were your parents divorced? Even small, regular arguments between your parents could seem to you, as a small child, like love was difficult, upsetting, and even maybe scary.

Any of these situations could cause you to grow up and think some of these things about love:

  • Real love is a fairy tale, it’s not realistic
  • You can’t trust men / women
  • I don’t deserve love
  • I’m not good at relationships
  • I’m too ugly / boring / old (insert any mean adjective here) for love

How do you get rid of these limiting beliefs?

Journaling is an extremely effective way to explore your limiting beliefs. This is also called shadow work and can help you get to the root of anything that’s been holding you back from being the best version of yourself.

If you don’t like to write with pen and paper – that’s ok. Type on your computer or phone, or even make a voice note!

Releasing your limiting beliefs doesn’t happen overnight, and it won’t be easy. In fact, it will probably really hard. Be prepared to get real with yourself, and to dig deep. Don’t forget to be patient with yourself. If things get emotional, or you feel like you aren’t making progress right away, that’s ok. This is a lifelong journey you’re embarking on! Think of this as really getting to know YOU.

By shining a light on your shadow, you’re releasing yourself from your limiting beliefs! It is by no means easy, and will likely bring up a lot of emotions. But, once you realize that you are an amazing, abundant, powerful human being, you are free to create the life you want. Nothing holds you back.

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