This letter-size, printable wellness tracker is perfect for you if:

– You are looking to create sustainable change
– You want the opportunity for small wins each day
– You want to create a self-care, self-love, or wellness routine

If any of these things sound like you, this is the perfect place to start! Join my “45 Days of Me” challenge and dedicate just over 6 weeks to the most important person in your life: YOU.

Each week, you’ll be challenged to check off daily and weekly goals. They range from morning routines (like drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up), movement (get outside for 30 mins a day, and move your body in a way that feels good to you), and gratitude (celebrating daily wins, and writing things you are thankful for). At the end of the 45 days, there’s an opportunity to reflect on things you’ve learned about yourself, how you’ve grown, and what’s next.

Want a breakdown of the daily non-negotiables? Click here for a video walk-through

Click the image to purchase!

Are you looking to start journaling or start a gratitude practice, and don’t know where to start?

You’ve come to the right place! This simple, printable gratitude journal is the perfect tool to get you started. The fun prompts get you in a gratitude mindset, and only takes 5 minutes out of your day.

This PDF features 7 pages with different prompts. You can print multiple copies of the document to use over and over!

Click the image to purchase!