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Your life is as good as your mindset.

It’s true – your mindset is everything. From the moment you wake up, until the moment you fall asleep, everything is up to you. Your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings, your perceptions, and your reactions.

Negativity breeds negativity. Just like positivity breeds more positivity. If you spend your time complaining, thinking about how life is hard, and focusing on the problems in your life – that’s all you’ll see. But if you spend your time thinking about all the amazing things happening in your life, you’ll slowly train your brain to see more of the positive! And, according to our friends at Harvard, developing a positive mindset makes you healthier and live longer!

“I’ve chosen to be happy because it is good for my health”


If you find yourself embodying a negative mindset these days, that’s ok! The good news is, you can start to change your mindset at any moment. In the posts below, I explore everything from mindfulness, gratitude, meditation, journaling, self-love, self-care, and more.